My passion is natural health. I feel that wellness is attainable at any age, that our elderly are very neglected in this area, and are among the most needful. All too often I have seen the elderly on more than 10 drugs; often double that. And each time they visit the doctor or hospital another is prescribed. The foods they eat are severely lacking in nutrients and often high glycemic and high inflammatory. Is it a wonder their health quickly fails? Their own body and mind are the the most powerful tools they have available for healing and preventing illness.
I have read extensively on ways to utilize, support and assist the body in it's innate ability & drive to heal itself. The beginning is with what you absorb from your food and how well it's absorbed. The elderly fall far short in this area. This simple start goes a long way to healing and restoring balance. You aren't only what you eat, you are what you absorb. Also, I believe in stress reduction as an essential part of health. Especially for the elderly who have a very low threshold for catastrophic levels of stress and the resultant symptoms: agitation, fear, sadness, helplessness and worsening of dementia. Comfortable routines, gentle exercise, stimulating activities for mind and body, and simple tasks they can choose will help regain their sense of worth and the possibility of reestablishing their sense of home, safety, family and peace.
In the homes there are raised garden beds so those who want to will be planting and caring for an organic vegetable garden. This will provide fresh veggies right from the fruits of our labor! There are also blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and apples for fresh fruit as well. This will avail the residents of a large amount of phytonutrients and antioxidants every day.
There's a flat patio at one home and a deck at the other, part of which are both under cover, to provide every opportunity to obtain fresh air and sunlight. Both neighborhoods are in quite cul-de-sacs great for walks (supervised if necessary). Our full-time, on-staff activities director takes our residents on outings about once a month weather permitting as well.
I believe in a slow, dignified, respectful approach to care and the GOLDEN RULE in every aspect of caring for the elderly. It's all about EMPATHY. I will train our caregivers to "see" things from their residents point of view. I will train them in verbal validation (Naomi Feil-style) which is an amazing technique in dealing with dementia. It is based on validating their feelings and their reality to gain trust and calm. *(Ask me more or check out her info on the web). I attended a seminar given by Naomi herself in the 1990's and trained others in her technique for years. I was given the gifts of intuition and empathy that are essential in caring for the vulnerable elderly.
I have a wealth of knowledge about different care settings and can assist families a great deal with community programs/supports, advance directives, health insurance questions, and have many contacts to give you that will get you off to a head start that others can't. I know what support is out in the community to keep your loved one aging in place as long as possible. You will be in excellent hands.
I have extensive knowledge of our body's biochemistry and it's many faceted systems from their basic cellular level. I have read, (studied actually), a full home-library of books from adrenal function/adrenal disorders, the endocrine system/hormones, diabetes, syndrome X, pre-diabetes/insulin resistance, magnesium deficiency,our detoxification organs and processes, herbal healing, healing with foods, GI tract health, extensive reading on the Liver (as it is one of your most important organs), the immune system, cancer, fatty acids, amino acids and health as well as treatment for disease, books on excitotoxins and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Lewey Body Dementia and Alzheimer's, etc etc etc. I have been told by RN's I've worked with that they often come to me for medical information and insight because of the knowledge I've gained. I have studied more on wellness than most.
So, between my life's work and my life's passion I am eager to provide care for your loved one that is exceptional and hard to find. I know the pitfalls and the needs, the strengths and weaknesses of the Adult Family Home concept from talking to many hundreds of families and elderly residents transitioning to and from Adult Family Homes (as well as numerous other care settings). I have heard their stories, seen the care (and lack of care), and really KNOW what is needed for this amazing group in our society. I would not choose to work with any other population.
Holistic means your loved one will receive the best care for their whole being. They will have the options for natural alternatives, but of course do not have to use them. The food will be a healthier version of their comfort foods. For example, we will make many of the foods they are used to and enjoy, only we'll use organic, chemical free ingredients, or ones with higher fiber and lower sugar and fat as well as many fresh herbs.
Our home is lucky to have a masters-level dietician (Maureen Sullivan, MS, RDCD), who went to school at Bastyr as well as the University of Washington. She carefully and expertly planned our meals and consults on our residents diets as needed.
In the home I can help access a Naturopath who is our medical director, in home ARNP visits, hair care, in-home therapy, in-home diabetic foot care, in-home hospice and home health care with doctor's orders as well as any other service that it's possible to obtain. That's my job!